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Excavator/ Dozer / Compactor / Loader Seat w/ Suspension / Pods

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Heavy Duty Suspension Seat For Flat Mounting Surface (Some Assembly Required) for JD, AC, IH, FD, NH, MF, IR, Cat, CIH

For Multiple Applications Including But Not Limited To:

Caterpillar 815F, 815F II, 816F, 814F, 814FII, 914G, 924F, 924G, 924GZ, 928G, 928GZ, 938F, 938G, 938G II, 950F II, 950G, 960F, 960G, 962G, 966F II, 966G, 966G II, 970F, 972G, 980F II, IT14G, IT18F, IT24F, IT28G, IT38F, IT38G, IT62G

This Seat with Suspension and control pods is a quality made replacement seat with heavy-duty mechanical suspension assembly designed for construction applications. Seats with pods allow for the joysticks to move with the driver and suspension of the seat. The pods create a better ergonomic working environment and help reduce stretching injuries, keeping you comfortable while on the job.

Durable Multi-Gray Fabric covering
Heavy-duty mechanical suspension
Adjustable backrest adds comfort and versatility
5-position lumbar support to help prevent lower back pain
Adjustable fold-up armrests
2.4" seat height/tilt adjustment
Easily accessible front controls
Durable molded control pods to carry hydraulic electronic control joysticks (joysticks not available)
2" control pod height adjustment
1.6" control pod armrest height adjustment (relative to joystick)
Vertical suspension stroke of 4"
175 - 330 lb weight adjustment
Slide rails provide 6.3" - 7.9" fore/aft adjustment (relative to control pods)
Durable suspension cover to keep components free of dirt and dust

Seat belt conforms to ISO 6683 and SAE J386 (anchorage strength of 3372 lbs). Seat meets EM6 specifications.

Bolt Pattern (W x L - 11.02" x 12"-13")

For Armrest Use Item # AR165

Please note some models you may have to drill new holes in existing mounting platform, or require bracket fabrication to install this seat.


Item # MS273

108-2192 kab 554 525 525P 502 503 8445 8446 8415 8111 8144 8413

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