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4 Piece Tractor Seat Cushion Set for Case

  • $289.95
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4 pc Black Vinyl Seat Cushion Set

For Multiple Applications Including But Not Limited To:

Case 770, 870, 970, 1070, 1090, 1170, 1175, 1270, 1370, 2470, 2670 

Durable fabric or vinyl covering

For Armrest only Use Item # AR115, or AR116

Kit includes seat, upper backrest, lower backrest and pair of armrest cushions
4" thick seat, 2" thick small and large backrest, and 1.75" thick armrest foam cushion to ensure operator comfort
Cushions bolt to original seat frame
Strong wear resistance

Restore your tractor with this high quality Cushion Set made with Black vinyl. Carefully hand stitched in the USA.

Item # SC222

CASEAGRIKNG4PCSEATSET-RAP CaseAGRIKNG4PCSEATSET A60462 A60465 A60472 A61098 A61099 1340130C1, 1989979C1, A60470, A66641, A139350, AMC1170BLV AMC1170BLF HEV52266 HTC1170BLV C1170BLV 128887A1, A66641, A139547, SA60462 SA64823 SA60472 SA64492 7310 7311 SA64492-HYC SA64493-HYC

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