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24v Air Ride Tractor Seat Replacement Compressor for Sears

  • $249.95
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24v Air Compressor

For Multiple Applications Including But Not Limited To:

Sears, Caterpillar, Bell

Easily swap out the old compressor in your seat with this Sears Seat compressor. Over time & with a lot of use, it is not uncommon for compressors to fail.

This kit includes air compressor, parts, wires, connectors & hardware.

Adjusts the seat height, 174 is the maximum PSI for 20 seconds.

Item # SH367

208.344AS VA3120322-0666 21476CN S-DNB-012 01070529001 ON.150300 EBLO RE331285 RE331260 RE201420 RE52549 SR8301440 SR8301439 82030804 452-6716 4526716 668055 665177 SA41144 594890D1 47647652 SA34095 397-6415 3976415 237-3970 2373970 370-8067 3708067 242-8772 424-5268 2428772 4245268 AT400925 3901538M91 AT485988 845 82030804 452-6716 513-9148 845 82030804 452-6716 513-9148 AS196440 242-8772 424-5268 KAB S.165388 8089 SA20601 397-6409 479-0274 397-5356

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